Ko tōku mana ki te pae tawhiti, ki te pae tawhiti ko tōku mana

Realising whānau potential, transforming futures


Ko tōku mana ki te pae tawhiti, ki te pae tawhiti ko tōku mana

Realising whānau potential, transforming futures

Te Whakakitenga | Our Vision

Ko tōku mana ki te pae tawhiti, ki te pae tawhiti to tōku mana.

Reclaiming whānau potential, transforming futures.

Te Whakatakanga | Our Mission

Enabling whānau to take control of their own wellbeing and destiny

Te Pae Tawhiti | Our Dream

Te Kawa O Horouta Whānau Ora

Anchored in te reo and tikanga Māori, Te Kawa o Horouta Whānau Ora reflects our collective philosophies of Mana Motuhake. These kawa outline our unique vision for holistic intergenerational wellbeing and provides a foundational culture of practice.

Nō Whea | Who we are

Horouta Whānau Ora is made up of the following partner organisations.

Te Whare Hauora o Te Aitanga ā Hauiti

Te Whare Hauora o Te Aitanga ā Hauiti is a Charitable Trust that provides a wide range of health education and promotion services within the Tairāwhiti area. We are governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the 6 marae of Hauiti, one staff representative and two representatives chosen by the community.

Te Kura o Kaiti

“Kia tū Māia, Kia tū Pakari, Kia tū Rangatira”

Kia ora Koutou, Malo elelei, Ni hao, welcome to our place, a place where we love to learn! We hope you enjoy looking around. Kaiti School is a school going places. We jump right in, we play hard, we have fun and do things that kids love to do. Best of all ….@ Kaiti School, we work hard to ensure your tamariki feel success in their learning.

Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou

“Te Whakapūmau i te Mana Motuhake o Ngāti Porou mō ngā Uri Whakatipu”

Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou provides a range of social and community services for Ngāti Porou members. Enabling every Ngāti Porou person to reach their full potential and be socially and culturally empowered is an important aspiration for the Rūnanganui.

Te Whare Maire o Tapuwae

“Mana Whānau, Mana Hapori, Mana Motuhake”

Te Whare Maire o Tapuwae is a collective of five community/Māori service providers from Wairoa and surrounding districts. Our mission is to lead the delivery of quality services that respond to the Cultural, Social, Economic and Environmental needs and aspirations that will improve the wellbeing of the people of Wairoa.

Whakapā mai | Contact us

Contact us